Places to Visit in Lucknow

Bara Imambara(5 km)
The Bara Imambara has a unique style of construction. Built in 1784 as part of a relief project for a major famine, this brick and limestone structure is a must-see. The central hall of Bara Imambara is said to be the largest arched hall in the world. The hall measures 50 meters long and goes up to a height of 15 meters. What makes the construction unique is the fact that the blocks have been put together with interlocking system of bricks and there has been absolutely no use of girders and beams. The roof stands steady till date without any pillars to support it.

Begum Hazrat Mahal Park (2 Km)
Located in the heart of the city, Begum Hazrat Mahal Park once used to be a rally ground. What you see today is a totally different landmark, a walker’s paradise, with pathways that are interwoven into the beautiful and green landscaping in the Park. It is also a visual delight of sorts. While the mornings are marked by scores of people walking at different paces, the evenings are relatively inactive at the park. But when the fountains go up and the lights turn on, it is a sight most can feast eyes on. This comes as a relief from the mundane sight of the traffic zipping past it.

Chattar Manzil(2.7 Km)
Don't miss touring this majestic structure that served as a palace for the rulers of Awadh and their wives. It's also known as Umbrella Palace because of the shape of its dome.

British Residency (4 Km)
The British Residency of Lucknow is a famous historical landmark of this place. It is now in ruins and has been declared a protected monument by the Archaeological Survey of India. The British Residency was the place that served as a refuge for approximately 3000 British inhabitants during the time of the uprising of 1857. Lucknow was center of all British activities during the siege and the Residency became the monopolistic center of the British for almost 90 days.

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